Re:TI-H: PSX Memory cards (was: re: ti-h: NEW expander design)


Re:TI-H: PSX Memory cards (was: re: ti-h: NEW expander design)

> > How much memory will a playstation memory card hold?

Most hold 128k (not much same as 86) some advertise 256k but still only
hold 15 "pages"

> I pledge allegiance to the compatibles of IBM, and to the
> developers for which it stands, one platform, under Bill,
> indestructible, with peripherals and multimedia for all.

You sick monkey, LAW SUIT :)

> Attachment converted: Master of all Macs:Michael Bryan Cook.vcf 4
>(TEXT/TBB6) (000383D9)

I dont like these

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to the
developers for which it stands, one platform, under Guy, indestructible,
with creativity and multimedia for all. 
