Re: TI-H: USB Link


Re: TI-H: USB Link

>From: Richard Piotter <>
>why two [USB ports], if they can handle 127 connections??? 

My laptop has one, but all the desktops I have that have USB
support have two.  I'd guess its just for ease of use.  It
may not be practical to daisy chain every device, so they give
you an extra one, incase you want to use it that way.

>They realy should have incuded SCSI and at east one serial.

Sounds like they are trying to push more manufactures to use
USB as standard interface to all their new devices.
Besides, from the literature, it sounded like the conceptial
design artists were heavly involved, so of course astetics were
given higher prioriety than supporting legacy devices. Everybody
knows you work better if your computer looks futuristic then
if it supports all your existing devices [note the sarcasam].


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