Re: TI-H: Super I/O III (EIII): As I Said...


Re: TI-H: Super I/O III (EIII): As I Said...

> I would have to agree, this is kind of overkill for most people maybe 2or3 of the
> 10+ people I know (at school) that want more memory, wouldn't even know how to
> say the features of the SuperI/O III, let alone know what they are... what ever
> happened to the *simple* EII?
> Exxon00 wrote:
> > I would definently be interested in such a device, but it seems like there is
> > so much stuff I wouldn't use.

Oh yeah, and in the year 2020, there will be this bunch of old middle aged
guys on this realy old list, with occasional high school and college students
and some nerds, talking about the TI-8xxx and 9xxx series pocket multimedia
graphing calculators and those ancient relics called 8x and 9x series calcs.
They will have 4 Gigabytes of free memory and a voice/GUI controlled
combination opperating system. They'll have MP7 stereo Audio with video 2D/3D
graphics accelerator. They'll have an FPU equipped, dual 16 Gigahertz, 256 bit
processor, and have cold fusion power sources! They'll have an 8 line parralel
link port with 256 bit data transfer support for the processors. They will
have touch screens and an AT keyboard jack. Joystick also. They will have
standard 9-pin serial port and wireless modem and TCP/IP stack in ROM, which
is FLASH upgradble. Oh and IR link too. They will have 115 Mbit/s transfer
rate, and 16.4 Million color, ultra high density 640x480 flexible FET display,
that doesn't crack.

Oh yeah, and the E-MCIIX will be the big subject on the list, and then
everyone will ask when the EII will be done!  :P   q:

Ha Ha Ha! (=

Seriously though, the only part of this that'll happen is the last part! (=


Richard Piotter

The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page:
