TI-H: TI85-irlink


TI-H: TI85-irlink

Now I also have a success with TI85-irlink! I did it just a while ago! My
TI-irlink is built around a PIC16C84 and using SFH-506-30 and a ir-led as
infra red components. With a PIC12C508 wich is a 8 pins onechip processor
you can get the stuff for a price 10$. This is a TI to TI link but I have
tested it with computer to TI with a parallell link beetwen the Pic and
computer. I also have a pure parallell irlink computer to TI plan. But now
if anyone is interested the whole info is on my homepage:
http://www.dalnet.se/~pea under Picstuff not TI stuff. I'm sorry if the text
isn't updated yet but the info is true. I'm going to put the Pic program on
the page soon after a little more tesing. For more info mail directly to me
or via the maillist. I have a really god tracking program built in the
irlink-program. Wich means before I starting the tranchieve a led will tell
me if there is a god ir signal or not and I can put it in a good

Per-Erik Andersson


