RE: TI-H: From the TI-Modem Design team


RE: TI-H: From the TI-Modem Design team

Hell yes I still care! I'm very interested in this kind of thing... you're 
telling me that it works with z80 (83 specifically) and the 68k type 
calculators? I understand that you would have to have special software to 
run it, so what calcs does it exist for?

And what speed modem is it?

"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye, 
living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins

-----Original Message-----
From:	Patrick Sweeney []
Sent:	Tuesday, October 14, 1997 8:40 PM
To:	tih
Subject:	TI-H: From the TI-Modem Design team

On behalf of the TI-Modem design team, settle down.
The external modem works fine.  We at the design team headquarters have
had a working modem-TI hookup for 5 weeks now!
We will post a webpage soon.
We didn't realize anyone still cared.
It connects successfully with a unix shell account, it browses the web,
it reads email and news.
It works with TI-8x calcs with link ports and the 92.
I will make a webpage ASAP.

Patrick Sweeney
TI-MODEM design team.

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