TI-H: List Conversion/Comms <-> Casio Calcs


TI-H: List Conversion/Comms <-> Casio Calcs

First of all, I know this should probably be on another list, but please
bear with me. I already get hundreds of mails a day, and I just can't join
aother list ;-) I know thats *my* problem, but...

I'd like to be able to swap lists with Casio calculators, I would guess
this would need an asm program, and a lot of people here seem to
be able to write asm to read/write to the link port... I have a 83,
and the casio is a 9750... It uses TTL level signals, I assume
the Ti could link to this directly ?

I've just had someone mail me (still in the mail, too) some IR
transceiver modules, so I'm gonna build a nice IR "cable" for my
calc :-) only 3 metres, so I might try adding to it more powerful


Piper Communications - http://pcomm.home.ml.org/

······························· P · G · P ····································
[2048 Bits] 50E4FC39 Nicholas C. Piper <pcomm@inorbit.com> [High Security Key]
      Key fingerprint = 41 3C 25 76 BF 07 CB 43  97 65 26 67 81 78 C9 A9

[768 Bits]  66041181 Nicholas C. Piper <pcomm@inorbit.com>
      Key fingerprint = 4A 15 8F E5 61 58 39 BE  5D 02 FD 44 A9 13 5D C0

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