RE: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage


RE: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage

on, that is the hard (AND LONG) way to do it... remove the batteries (all 
of them, even the lithium), then hit on repeatedly, or hold it down for a 
while (a short while, maybe 3 seconds)... then replace the batteries and be 
on your way

"If I could be one thing in the world, I would be a tear born in your eye, 
living on your cheek, and dying on your lips" - Josh Collins

-----Original Message-----
From:	Zeki Guerler []
Sent:	Tuesday, October 14, 1997 12:40 PM
Subject:	Re: TI-H: Ti-92 power storage

Matthew H. Fogle wrote:
> Ok; I'm going to be REALLY upset if I've already killed my TI-92. I was
> trying to load Doom but it crashed and even though I pulled the
> batteries and the backup battery it still won't come up with anything
> other than "Divide by zero". Anyone know how long the caps hold a charge
> on it?? Thanks,
> Matthew H. Fogle

Hello ;

two weeks ago .. I head nearly the same problem.. You have to wait at
least 6 hours
before you put the batterie and the backup battery in your TI again...
My ti works now ....  I waited 8 hours.. and I have no problems with it


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