Re: TI-H: We need a FAQ!


Re: TI-H: We need a FAQ!

I think Richard said he would take the sections we write and post them
to a FAQ page. Ask him.

Osma Suominen wrote:

> Sorry John, I'm just using you as an offence.
> John Fraser wrote:
> >
> > What if you split teh linkl port and had two things hooked up at
> oncel.
> > Though you would have to find a way for the calc to know the
> difference
> > between the two.  What about useing a recive comand.  If it likes it
> than
> > goto that one and if not got oteh other thing hooked up.  Kind of
> like a
> > port doubler.  I know This sounds easy to me but very hard for
> people trying
> > to biuld it.
> I started the discussion about a FAQ about a week ago. I think this
> and a
> few other recent messages show clearly that we need a FAQ.
> Is there still interest? I'll ask again, are there volunteers to
> maintain
> the FAQ? I can write some of the sections, as I listed before, but not
> before I know this gets organized some way.
> -Ozone
> --
> *** Osma Suominen *** ***
> ***
