Re: TI-H: External Power Supply


Re: TI-H: External Power Supply

Okay wiat here.  What is the SPinTerface port, Power pack and sound carts. 
If you have to write mail at least wirte it so otherrs know what it goning
on too!!!!
> Yes! I designed a simple one that plugs into the SPinTerface Port. I do 
> the SPinTerface upgrade for $20 and the Power Pack is $15 to build (like 
> the store ones, but special order because store models make too MUCH 
> power) $35 is the total plus you can use sound carts and eventualy the 
> Extender uP in a SPinTerface Cartridge version etc. I can also Install a 
> standard plug for $25. It won't allow SPinTerface carts to be plugged 
> in, but you still have a power pack that will run the calc! (Reason it 
> isn't $5 extra is that the Shipping in the SPinTerface version is 
> covered by the SPinTerface upgrade. The Power pack alone requires $5 
> shipping added.
> It is simple if you can find the power pack, to build it yourself. Only 
> catch, id if the curent is too high, it causes a voltage spike when you 
> insert or remove the plug and it crashes your calc. I use 150 ma at 6v. 
> Some RadioShacks have them, and you can always ask for them to order 
> one. You just need to connect the power properly AND make it look like a 
> profesional job (not just for looks. I know someone with a bad turbo job 
> and a wire shorted something and it won't work at all. A clean job is 
> even more important whith power suplies. Also, never use it during a 
> lightning storm. (Imagine what lightning would do to your poor 5v calc 
> /; )
> Richard Piotter
> e-mail:
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> Richfiles</A>
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