Re: TI-H: The IR Link is complete.


Re: TI-H: The IR Link is complete.

Sami Khawam wrote:
> I have finished the IR Link, and it is
> fully working. It also includes 5 I/O lines
> that can be used by the calc. I didn't cost
> me more that $11. 
> Take a look on my page.

Please, oh please, add a direct-state-transfer mode so it will support
other protocols than the TI protocol, including I2C. If that is done, I
think your IR link will meet almost all of the criteria I suggested a while
ago. It should be possible to do this completely in the firmware (the PIC
code), maybe by adding one more switch to select this mode. I mean a mode
where the current states of the link port are sent, either at constant
intervals or when a change of state is sensed by the PIC. The IR link
should emulate the link cable.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
