Re: TI-H: TI-Modem?


Re: TI-H: TI-Modem?

The 83 has rterm.  But no source!!!


>Yes, it is possible to use a 9600 baud modem with any TI that supports
>assembly and has a terminal program.  The 82 (maybe the 83?) has RTerm, the
>85 has RTerm and Zterm, the 86 has RTerm, and the 92 has FTerm.
>Simply plug the 8x or 92 into the graphlink, and plug the other end into a
>null-modem, then a regular modem.  ATDT####### where # is the phone number,
>and voila!
>-----Original Message-----
>>    Anybody know anything about a TI modem?  Thanks!
>>                                                              Jeff Rapp
