Re: TI-H: PSX memorycard prices/TI-85 MIDI


Re: TI-H: PSX memorycard prices/TI-85 MIDI

Mikko Kuorelahti wrote:

> I personally would build/buy a "PSX memorycard TI storage system" even
> if it was a complicated EPROM system or anything, because of the
> following reasons:
> - PSX cards are readily available
> - PSX cards are cheap (325 FIM =~ 72 USD, for 24 MEG)
> - PSX cards look professional!

> - Even if the interface would require special parts they would be
> available from Sony/PSX repair/broken PSX's

I doubt that...would they sell them for private persons? Otherwise
hunting such parts would be about as hard as hunting any other special


Hmm. How does the PSX interface look? Do you have any specs for it?
If the interface is unknown, it would require much work to find out
if connecting it to a TI is even feasible.

> And now for something completely different:
> Would it be possible to build a MIDI hardware interface, that the TI
> wouldn't have to worry about timing? PlayMIDI lib would only send the
> data to a separate "MIDI-card", which would send it as MIDI codes (all
> timing done by the "soundcard"). I don't know electronics much, but
> anyhow ...

> I'm currently so hooked on MIDI (Impulse Tracker MIDI jam sessions
> rule!) that I hope someone could give me enough info to build the
> perfect portable drum machine/synth/sequencer/... from my TI-85.

I'm not so sure about if the TI can do it...and don't you think a
real MIDI keyboard/sequencer/whatever would be a bit more suitable
for this? ;) The link port is quite slow, so the design might be hard.
If it only has to send data, not receive, I'd say it's possible.
But it would almost certainly require a microcontroller.


*** Osma Suominen *** ***
