TI-H: Re:TI-H irlink Web Page


TI-H: Re:TI-H irlink Web Page

	I have received many complaints about the lack of content on my
IR-Link homepage.  I suggest that either you quit complaining about the
lack of content or do something about it by sending me information to post
there.  If you cannot comply with the latter request, then by all means,
shut your trap.  Thank you to Tim Gerla for sending me the title graphic
and to Josh Wardell for the use of the Made by Macintosh and the Netstars
logos.  Please continue sending me stuff, my site would be nonexistant
without your help.

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*             Pablo XXX                            /_/________\_\/\     *
*                   rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us       \_\___________\/     *
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