Re: TI-H: More Stuff


Re: TI-H: More Stuff

On Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:09:50 +0000, you wrote:

>I went to Radio Shack, and i got some IR stuff,
>and some PNP amplifying transisters (sp?) So,
>ill work on an irlink tomarrow with my friend...
>any ideas?
I would try to get a link working with a optoisolated connection, ie,
the LED and phototransistor/whatever pointing at each other inside an
enclosed place like some heatshrink tubing, a box, or anything that
will keep external light out. After you get that working, try and get
a free space link working, probable with some type of modulator/
demodulator system. Good luck!

 Tim Gerla -      / /\ \           
                                            / /\ \ \         
      Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==-           / / /\ \ \       
            Tyball@irc                    / / /  \ \ \ /_/____\ \ \     
 TI-92, HTML, Links, POV-Ray, Fractint! /_/________\_\/\      
