ti-emu: TIXX Rom Dumps on a Parralel port


ti-emu: TIXX Rom Dumps on a Parralel port

Hey guys.  Don't give up your $4 parralel link for graphlinks just
because you can recieve rom dumps.  I wrote a program a long time ago
that will recieve TIXX rom dumps useing Randy Gulvana's romdump2.zip,
romXX.xxp programs and a Parralel link.  It is located under the
pub/dos/link folder

It is very easy to use.  Just run in in a fullscreen DOS dox or DOS mode
and use the name of the output ROM file as a command line argument.  EG:
dumpxp ti86.rom

it will saY:  Waiting...
Then you just push enter on your calc to send the rom.

