ti-emu: RE:TI 85 EMULATOR


ti-emu: RE:TI 85 EMULATOR

       The problem that you are having is the same one I had.  The
included batch diassembles the ROM dumps into plain text ASM.  You don't
need the disassembler that is used; a batch file that will produce the
ti85rom.bin is here (a hacked version of included batch.. this one will
do what you want):
--Begin Dump_it2.bat --
@echo off
echo Testing ...
for %%a in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) do if not exist page%%a.85b goto missing
echo Converting to bin ...
for %%a in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) do dump_rom.exe page%%a.85b page%%a.bin
if not exist fixrom.exe goto missing1
echo Calling the FixRom program to compile TI85ROM.BIN
echo Cleaning ...
del page?.85b
del page?.bin
goto end
echo Some rom pages are missing !
goto end
echo FixRom is missing.  Find it and run it.
del page?.85b
echo This batch was written by bozgai@svf.stuba.sk
echo And modified to produce the TI85ROM.BIN by zarquon@gaianet.net.
echo All done
-- End dump_it2.bat --

Hope this helps!

Sysop of Imperial Realm (410) 799-8616
<a href="http://members.tripod.com/~Zarquon/">http://members.tripod.com/~Zarquon/</a>                        zarquon@gaianet.net