[TIB] Re: C/C++ compilers (had been: Get/Send commands)


[TIB] Re: C/C++ compilers (had been: Get/Send commands)

That Guy:

  Borland also gives away early versions of "Borland C++" on their
website, but you need to register an account with them, and the compiler
isn't very good.  For a real C/C++ compiler, download DJGPP from
www.delorie.com/djgpp.  It's not only more complete than MSVC++, it's
also freeware and open source.

  You can also get many other "Small C" implementations that people
have done just for fun.  Try a Google search.


--You wrote:
> >Ive Tried That, but without much success.  It seems the best way to learn
> >c++ is to buy microsofts version wich is a few hundered dollars, which i
> >dont have.
> Borland gives away a free DOS version of their C on their website.
