Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.


Re: TIB: Re: Re: Okay, this is just pathetic.

In a message dated 4/15/00 9:27:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< i would like to take this opportunity to tell you that i hate you and am 
 planning your untimely demise (im kidding, for those of you who took that 
 the 2 CS courses we're adding next year are the first 2 you mentioned (AP A 
 and B), and the 2 before that (the ones i actually get to take) just do 
 Pascal and C... Maybe some C++ if im lucky... and thats about it

Well maybe if you come live near where i am then you can go to school here.  
and then i can get you off that trash stuff Terris and turn you to a 
beautiful, best person in the world, Cosrin player.  That would be the 
ultimate thing.  Muhahaha

Tethoril, Ranger of Cosrin