RE: TIB: High School Computer Classes


RE: TIB: High School Computer Classes

:><< Getting back to calcs, I think that math courses should use
:>them more in,
:> well, their courses. Often times, when we learn a new technique in my
:> Pre-Calc class that requires five minutes per problem or something, I go
:> home and look in my 86's manual's index to see if there's a function on
:> my calc that'll do it instantly. If we've got these machines to do the
:> number crunching for us, why do we really need to learn to do the number
:> crunching? Just my opinion, anyway... >>
:>my math teacher this year (Algebra 2) actually doesnt have his
:>head hidden i
:>a whole in the ground and realizes that calculators are a quite
:>useful thing,
:>and that it's to peoples benefit to learn to use them. although I (and 1
:>other person in my class) have ti-89s, no one else in the class has a
:>graphing calculator, but the school has a bunch of TI-83s, and
:>the teacher
:>has devoted a couple of classes to teaching the people how to use
:>them and
:>hey, it's a start

I agree totally that the calcs are used to a minimal percentage of their
capacities, by all the teachers in my school, let alone the kids. Especially
so with the 89 which I now have - but on the other side my linear algebra
teacher at a community college forbid me from using it on the midterm - duh,
it can take determinants in an instant.
I've compiled a list of all 89 funks for myself, saved it as text on the
calc, and try to refer to it to learn new stuff...
