Re: TIB: Old topic-Goto/Lbl statements


Re: TIB: Old topic-Goto/Lbl statements

Thanks for responding, Adam.  I didn't realize the goto command was such a 
big deal. (Shows what I know!)  However, I haven't taken any programming 
classes yet, so I guess I'll find out.

I couldn't think of any sample code to put in here, but I just wanted to say 
thanks for taking the time to write all that.  Can anyone else think up some 
code, rich in 'goto's, so that I could have an example of how it could be 
stated otherwise?

Actually, what if you have a long game - at the end of which you might give 
the user a choice to either 'play again' or 'quit'.  If the user chooses 
'play again', the code might say GOTO TOP, where the first line of code in 
the program is LBL TOP.  To me, this seems easiest (maybe it is), but how 
could a programmer get around that 'goto' command?

-Grant Winney

Original message:

>From: Adam Davis <>
>Subject: Re: TIB: Old topic-Goto/Lbl statements
>Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:12:34 -0400
>Code which utilizes GOTO is referred to as spaghetti code.  It is bad
>only if it ever has to be modified, then it becomes almost impossible
>for a coder to decode someone's spaghetti code, because they have to try
>and follow each goto around the program, instead of simply viewing the
>code from top to bottom.
>Instead of jumping all over the program with GOTOs, one should use
>while/for loops, and if then else endif constructs.
>All of the looping and test constructs generally take less cpu time than
>a goto.
>In theory it is possible to make any program without a single goto.  In
>practice it is not always the most efficient way, but it rarely happens
>that a goto is *needed*.
>Subroutines are very important as well, but are not supported as such on
>the TI.  It's best to make often used parts of the program available in
>a seperate program.
>Using GOTOs is frowned on, as you will find out in "structered
>programming" books and courses.  As always, assembly is completely
>different, and different 'rules' apply there.
>Give me a simple program that uses goto, and I can show you how it would
>appear were it programmed without gotos.

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