Re: TIB: Ti-83 Basic Manual


Re: TIB: Ti-83 Basic Manual

On 19 Dec 99, at 21:18, wrote:

> I know someone out there was talking about writing an intermediate/advanced 
> basic manual for the 83 and the like to cover stuff like gaming.  Did that 
> ever happen?  I could really use an int/adv manual.  Thanx!
>                                             -CHARITY-
Here's a good manual- After scouging the internet for info, write a 
few programs yourself and then REALLY think logically.  Look at 
everything, like If/Then statements, commands that never get 
executed, jumping out of an If/Then statement / While / For / 
Repeat / other loop statements, and fix them up as much as you 

They say one has to be good in this business.  Well I'm better.

-The Godfather
