TIB: TIB new game


TIB: TIB new game

    Hey guys whats up?  this list is DEAD!!! oh well i thought id throw out 
that im making a new game called box wars for the 83.  I play it on paper 
during class when im at school to pass time, but it reqiers a lot of erasing 
so i figured id make it on the calc so i wouldnt have to erase any more.  It 
is a two player game on paper and will be for the first version of the calc 
game ( the AI is a bit tricky).  It's a very fun game to play, and since you 
probably dont know how to play it ill tell you.  For those who know how to 
play "the dot game" it is a very very distant relative.  So anyway, theres a 
game grid like tic tac toe except for that it is 4 wide by 3 tall.  now each 
player starts with two "men" P1 has x's P2 has o's.
__________________      now you choose who goes first, and that player can 
put a 
  x   |       |       |    o   |    new one of his "men" any where on the 
board.  Now, if he 
------------------------------- |    Places his man where it touches one or 
more of the other 
____|____|____|_____|   players "men" on a flat edge ,NOT diagonaly, then any 
  o   |       |       |    x   | the other players men your new man touches 
becom your      
---------------------------------  men and then replace the symbol (x or o) 
with yours.  the object of the game is to take over as much of the board and 
you play till the other player is eliminated or niether player can place a 
new man. 

well there it is, it is actually a relativly simple game to make, so it 
shouldnt take too long to get out.    just thought id let ya know.   bye!
  x   |       |   x   |    o   |   <-- P1 moves                   
------------------------------- |              and board now
____|____|____|_____|              looks like   ------
  o   |       |       |    x   |                                    |
---------------------------------                              |
 __________________                        |
  x   |       |    x  |    x   |                       |    
------------------------------- |    <------------------------------| 
  o   |       |       |    x   |
