TIB: newbie question


TIB: newbie question

Question for ya.  I am a newbie to programming, thus far I have written only
3 programs for the TI-89 which can be downloaded from the following address.
I have 2 questions:
Q1) The TI-89 has a "DispHome" function, what is the equivalent on the 92?
Q2) One of the programs I have written generates wronskians up to 7
functions and displays them on the I/O screen, would it be possible to take
this equation, paste it onto the entry line on the "Home Screen" and execute
it so that it enters the "History" area?  I can paste them to the graph
screen, that's no problem.  What I want to do is have an option in my
program which will display it in the history area.
_ _

-Eric P. Esterle-
eesterle@preferred.com | ICQ#3346036
(YZF) http://pages.preferred.com/~pesterle/fside.jpg