Re: TIB: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics


Re: TIB: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics

You could also make the picvars be pic1,pic2,pic3 . . . and then use variable
indirection to change between pics.  This is by far the fastest way, and you
can also use the same code to redraw menus with the changed picture.  

>  There is no way to change the pictures as you move around in your 
>  toolbar like in the Geometry section, but there are a few ways to change 
>  the pictures _after_ you select an item from the toolbar.
>  First of all, you need to draw all the pictures you plan to use, and 
>  save them.  For my example, my toolbar will have 2 titles with 3 in the 
>  first list and 2 in the other. I chose the following naming method..
>  pic11  pic12
>  pic12  pic22
>  pic13
>  Method #1
>    Next, draw up some extra pictures that will actually appear on the 
>  toolbar title. (i.e. pic10, pic20)  Create your toolbar, just like you 
>  normally would.  Finally, add a "copyvar" command right after each label 
>  the toolbar takes you.
>  Lbl a
>  copyvar pic11, pic10
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  Lbl b
>  copyvar pic12, pic10
>  .
>  .
>  .
>    and so on...
>  When the program goes back to the menu, the new pic will appear at the 
>  top of the toolbar.
>  Don't like that one, you say? You'd rather not waste space and time with 
>  extra pics? Then try:
>  Method #2
>  Make a list with one element for each title in your toolbar, and make 
>  the elements strings containing the name of a title pic.
>  {"pic11","pic21"} (sto->) barlist
>  Instead of using the pic name in the toolbar, you are going to use the 
>  indirection command #(), like the following example..
>  ToolBar
>  Title #(barlist[1])
>  Item "Picture 1",a
>  Item "Picture 2",b
>  Item "picture 3",c
>  Title #(barlist[2])
>  Item "Picture 1",d
>  Item "Picture 2",e
>  EndTbar
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  Lbl a
>  "pic11" /->/ barlist[1]
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  Lbl b
>  "pic12" /->/ barlist[1]
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  Lbl c
>  "pic13" /->/ barlist[1]
>  .
>  .
>  .
>  Lbl d
>  "pic21" /->/ barlist[2] 
>  I think you should get the idea by now.. Just add a command after each 
>  label saving the corresponding picture name into the list and of course, 
>  make your program go back to the toolbar as needed.
>  Of course, with my naming scheme, the instructions in #2 can be 
>  shortened even more when you are working with enough pics.
>  Thank you for your patience in reading this, and I hope to see some 
>  nicer programs out there soon!
>  Tavis
>  >It took me a *lot* of trial and error to find that graphics are 
>  >possible for
>  >toolbar titles if and only if they are 16x16 pixels. Now, what I want 
>  >to know,
>  >is if it is possible in TI-Basic to do what the Geometry application 
>  >does:
>  >that is, change the graphic depending on what choice is selected. Eh?
>  >STL