Re: TIB: RPG: Help for all


Re: TIB: RPG: Help for all

>	I swear if this is some other klik & play thing...if the user really 
does get
>as much control as you claim, then I'm all for it.  Any chance of an 83
I understand that you are skeptical.  I am not saying that this wont be 
very hard to do.  But I believe I can do it, and have already started.  
I am the kind of person who will stay awake at night trying to figure 
out how to make a program faster or better.  
   It can be done, and I will do it.  But I need your feedback.  what do 
you want me to include?  What kind of options?  
   I can't make any promises about a 83 version, since I don't have an 
83.  But I understand the similarities and differences.  Porting the 
basic program shouldn't be too hard... but first things first, the 86 

Thanks for your response.

Josh Cunningham

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