TIB: Re: Help!


TIB: Re: Help!

What is wrong is when you test the variables (for example If A=666) you need
2 equals signs (for example If A==666) to get it to compare the numbers.

- Doug
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-----Original Message-----
From: Madcow9705@aol.com <Madcow9705@aol.com>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 9:29 PM
Subject: TIB: Help!

>Hi, I'm just beginning to program with the TI-86.  Here is my code, I need
>to display a picture if they get the number right.  If it's wrong, it needs
>keep going.  I'm not sure what to do!  (note: This program I am using as an
>example to learn from so it is a bit childish!)
>:Lbl TOP
>:Input A
>:If A=666
>:Disp A
>:If A<666
>:Disp "Try again"
>:Input A
>:If A=666
>:Disp "Dude, try"
>:Disp "Satans call sign"
>:Input B
>:If B=666
>:Disp B:Goto TOG  ; Here is where I want it to display a picture as above
>where it
>:If B<666; says if A=666    or B=666
>:Disp "You suck, bye"
>:Lbl TOG
>:Disp "Finally..."
>:Disp "Hit enter for"
>:Disp "your suprise!"
>:Pause :ClLCD
