Re: TIB: Games=pointless


Re: TIB: Games=pointless

Even though it's pathetic that one buys a calculator for only game,
but I have to object your opinion. Only in some views though. If the
person buys a calculator for programming games and other things, I
don't have a reason to not buy a calculator. This is because it
contributes to productivity.

---Phil Ratzsch <> wrote:
> > I think if the machine is EASILY capable of having
> > games then why does it matter to you??
> The question was not the ease of having games, but why people use
> strictly for that purpose.  BTW, if it is none of our business, why 
> did you just tell all of us what you think is no one's business but 
> your own?
> -- 
> Phil Ratzsch
> _____________________________________
> I closed me eyes and all I see
> Are the few, the proud surrouding me.
> A secret world inside its own
> That only those inside have known.
> The pride of being so elite,
> The challenge one day I will meet.
> I quickly realize as I rise
> The obstacle before my eyes.
> But in my sleep I have seen
> That I will be a good Marine.
> _____________________________________
> Taken from "Leatherneck" magazine
> Recieved from Major R. Wendel
> On June 12,1998, the day of my enlistment.

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