Re: TIB: TI-89 Stuff


Re: TIB: TI-89 Stuff wrote:

> So does anyone know what the dimensions of the usable graph screen on the
> TI-89 are?   I think someone on this list said it was 0-160 by 0-80, but I
> accidentally deleted the message.  Is that right?  Also, they said that they
> knew the size of the fonts for displaying on graph screen and stuff.  Does
> anyone know what those are?
> Thanks for the help!

I know it's 160 (0-159, NOT 0-160) by something. Doesn't TI site say?

 - Michael Astrauskas (AKA Julian/Trevie-san),
   ICQ UIN: 1946065 (Trevelyan)
