Re: TIB: Weighted D&D Dice?


Re: TIB: Weighted D&D Dice?

Chris Roddy wrote:
> >Not an large amount of weight, just a very slight amount.  Try rolling
> the
> >dice about 20 or 30 times.  You'll normally get higher numbers a little
> more
> >often than lower numbers.
> Then I'd say it's a question like backgammon: is the game *tuned* to the
> weighted dice or to the hypothetical fair dice?  In that case, using the
> perfect electronic dice would be *more* correct.
> >But then I don't understand, why should I get higher numbers more often
> >than lower ones?
> Once again, I don't know much about D&D dice,

I have never heard of D&D dice. The rulebook says to use standard dice,
and everybody does.

> but if they're like
> standard dice, they have little pips of plastic taken out of each side.
> For example, with a standard die, the six should come up more often than
> the one because the one side is heavier (less plastic removed) and should
> fall to the bottom more often, leaving the lighter six face on the top.

It has about as much impact on the die roll as it would if I sneezed
while rolling them; absolutely nothing. The weight difference is
insignificant. Precision dice are for enthusiasts and prestige. I have
amber dice (handcrafted). I didn't want them for any other reason than
the fact that they are expensive and look great (it's a gamers thing,
don't try to understand it ;-)

> That's why I use "Vegas" dice in backgammon, which have imbedded pips to
> eliminate the weight problem.

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
man: Why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.
