


I tried it , and found that the QUIT button did not work, so here is the
program with a fixed Quit button

>> 2) Could a pair of linked TI-92s automatically 
>>determine a "host" and "client" based on 
>>the order the communications started?

>I wrote a routine that I think is similiar to what
> you're looking for the 85 a long time ago. I found 
>it and cut it:

:Lbl Y
:Lbl B
:While D==E
:Input "CBLGET",E
:If R>10
:Outpt(6,1,"LINK ERROR--try again"
:If R>10
:Goto Y
:Outpt(4,3,"You are player #"
:If D<E
:Lbl Z

Dave Goncalves

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