TIB: Re: Better Idea...


TIB: Re: Better Idea...

>Let's quit having debates over who's better at what, and which platform
>is better, etc. Instead lets all write a big program! First let's
>compile a list of who has what calculator. The people with the same calc
>type get to get together and make a program of great proportions. For
>example the 85 people design a role playing game. The 83 design a sports
>game. Any way you get the point. Another cool idea would be for all us
>to write a compiler that emulates the ti basic language for win95 or
>dos! That would be quite fun and very educational. Well you'll have to
>excuse my grammar and spelling mistakes but I'm in a hurry. I figure the
>list needed content, and a goal to work for.

Sounds fun.  I have an 85.

