

Isnt that what Makes Macs great?

Software for PowerMac: 2300
Software native for Win95 1400

Ever look at that software? Like Riven its in the wrong section as is
MicroShaft Winblows 98 (or 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04) They are HYBRID that
means they are for both as are alot of other Software titles. And what
about all the cool stuff you cant get?

At 2:51 PM -0500 on 2/3/98, wrote:

> >Why do Macs suck?
> i just look at the rows and rows of PC software and the half an isle of mac
> software, as well as the 20 PCs all lined up at any computer retailer as
> opposed to the 2 macs at any local retailer. that tells me all i need to
> >Is it because they have superior processing power over the PC's?
> >Is it because they are used by professionals within for example computer
> >graphics?
> yeah, and thats about ALL they have. computer graphic designing. and an OS
> layout that even bill gates envies.

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to the
developers for which it stands, one platform, under Guy, indestructible,
with creativity and multimedia for all. 
