Re: TIB: TIB increment/decrement and skip


Re: TIB: TIB increment/decrement and skip

> wrote:
>> > Are there any real use for the IS< and DS< functions?  I cannot >> 
> figure
>> > out what situation would require them.  Any ideas?
>> HAHA! I've been wondering this for years. I have never used them or 
>> seen
>> a program which used them. I know what they do but prefer for or >> 
>> loops. Anyone else know what they could be used to do?
>I've never used them either. I, however, don't think that I could use 
>them. I tried to read the manual, but, like most things in there, I 
>didn't understand it. I find that I only understand what is in that 
>manual AFTER I already have an understanding of what something does. 
>Anyway, since I have never found a need for those commands, I've
>used them, and never learned HOW to use them.

I don't believe anyone uses them, except those people who couldn't do 
better than a TI-81.  They are probably there so that all the TI-81 
programs can be written for the more advanced calcs.  Now if only people 
bothered writing them down...

Pathetic, isn't it.  I almost want to see if we can write decent 
programs that work on the '81, the calculator without commands like For, 
Then, Send() (or Outpt(), for those 85'ers), Circle, or StorePic.

>Jody Snider

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