TIB: 92+ Picture to Matrix conversion


TIB: 92+ Picture to Matrix conversion

Alright, I know that NewPic can convert an Nx2 matrix into a picture by using the c1 and c2 coordinates as lit pixels, but is there a way to do the opposite?  All I can think of at the moment is using PxlTest() in a two-dimensional For..EndFor loop, but that requires to know how big the picture is that your scanning.  Does anyone else have any ideas on how to write and efficient program that doesn't read the entire screen and won't require any user input except for which picture to scan.  I thought about using the Input command to obtain the scanning boundaries, but I have a _lot_ of pics I need to convert and that method would be tedious.  BTW, is it worth it to buy a recharger for the batteries that come with the 92+, or am I better of just buying some Duracells?