Re: TIB: 85/86


Re: TIB: 85/86

On Mon, 6 Oct 1997 21:34:45 -0500 (CDT) Brian Flindt
<> writes:
>I've heard that programs that you can use for the
>86 you can use for the 85 does this mean that off
>of the archives you could take a 86 game or
>program and use it on the 85?

No. 85 programs can be used on the 86 (some minor modifications may be
necessary), but 86 programs have new and different commands.  If an 86
program doesn't use any of the commands or features available on an 86,
then it may be possible to use on an 85.  The easiest way is to open the
program in the 86 graphlink software, select all of it, copy it to the
clipboard, then paste it to a new program in the 85 software.  No matter
what commands are used, it will copy and send to your calculator
correctly.  You will have to run it yourself and decide whether it runs
correctly(or gives an error).

Above I said 85 programs need minor modification to run on an 86.  Well,
one thing that I found out is that the 85 and 86 have slightly different
order of operations.  I'll give an example:

if you enter "int .25X" (without quotations)

   will return the greatest integer less
   than or equal to one quarter of X

   will return the greatest integer less
   than or equal to .25 times X

assume that 4 was stored in X.  Now on the home screen:

TI-85:  (implied multiplication then int)
  int .25X

TI-86:  (int then implied multiplication)
  int .25X
  int (X/4

The Unibomer

Jared Ivey
Ham Call Sign: KF4BXL
The Unibomer's Shack:
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