Re: TIB: Looking for prime factorization code


Re: TIB: Looking for prime factorization code

Kåre Krig wrote:
> At 15:36 1997-10-01 -0700, you wrote:
> >Does anyone have a program for finding the prime factorization of a
> >number?
> >
> I made a program for that seme time ago.
> It divides the number with two and checks if the fPart of the answer equals
> 0, if it does it can be divided with two.
> After dividing with two it tryes the same for all odd numbers upp to the
> square root of the original number.

wouldn't this be a whole lot easier:

:if n<>int(n)
:Local i
:While n>1
:While mod(n,i) <> 0

  output your i here, in any form desirable



If your version is more efficient, please explain to me how and why, I'd
be very interested to know if this could be done more efficiently.

With kind regards,

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
.oO) It's not reality that matters, it's how you percieve things (Oo.
