Re: TIB: Re: 82 Programming Secret...


Re: TIB: Re: 82 Programming Secret...

>TI doesn't tell you where their flaws are in the calculator.  Things such
>as detecting the ROM version wasn't discovered until recently in the 82
>world (I'm talking about 1 1/2 years).
>Well, I'm not going to talk about how to detect your ROM version since
>everyone already knows how to do that.  I'm going to tell you how to get
>rid of that annoying "Done" message when a program ends.
>I was fooling around with a "dumb" game (I am making a library of dumb
>TI-Basic games created in 2 hours or less) when all of a sudden I realized
>that the "Done" hadn't appeared on the screen and yet the program had
>exited.  I kept fooling around (the next day) with another program to get
>the same result to occur.  It took a while, but I came up with the answer.
>Put the following line of code at the end of any program and "Done" will
>not appear:
>WOW!  A simple (and quite common) command stopped that annoying "Done" from
>appearing.  You probably can come up with several uses for this.  I have
>used it extensively in my latest programs because I hate it when it says:
>Thank you for
>playing the
>            Done
>The # is the cursor.  It looks ugly with the Done even to be on the screen.
> ith my method of removing it, I make it look a whole lot cleaner and more
>professional.  It makes for a nice exit to a program, than a harsh ugly one.
>Tell me what you think about this new finding,
>                 Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

Yeah, when I first bought my TI-85 earlier this year, my biggest priority
was getting rid of the DONE message. BTW just in case you didn't know, as
long as the last instruction executed it an Output statement, you won't get
the DONE message..


Output(8,1,"Thanks for playing"


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