A TI-89/92+ Software Bug


A TI-89/92+ Software Bug

    A TI-89/92+ Software Bug

 In AUTO mode The TI-89/92+ gives an output of

for the input of Integral(sqrt(7*x+4)^3),x). The correct result should

2*(7*x+4)*sqrt(7*x+4)^3)/35. This is not an isolated problem but is a
problem for the

family of functions: Integral(sqrt(a*x+b)^n),x). That is to say the
TI-89/92+ produces wrong

results for varying values of a,b, and n.  For
Integral(sqrt(2*x-3)^7),x) the TI-89/92+

produces 2*(2*x-3)*sqrt((2x-3)^7)/9 when correct result should be


It is interesting to note that the for Integral(sqrt(a*x+b)^n),x) the
TI-89/92+’s produce the

correct result of 2*(a*x+b)^(n/2+1)/(a*(n+2)). In APPROX mode the
TI-89/92+ gives the

correct results for the above examples.

 For definite integrals problems exist also. In AUTO mode The TI-89/92+
one gets:

 Integral(sqrt(7*x+4)^3),x,2,9) = 8978*sqrt(67)/5-19448sqt(2)/5 but  one
should get:

8978*sqrt(67)/35-19448sqt(2)/35.  In APPROX mode one gets

Integral(sqrt(7*x+4)^3),x,2,9)=2021.11 which is correct.

 It should be noted that in AUTO mode when one rewrites the integrals in

form the correct  results occur. For Integral((7*x+4)^(3/2),x)  one gets

and for Integral((7*x+4)^(3/2),x,2,9) one gets

 Similar problems exist for the procedure deSolve.

Gary Wardall
UWGB math. dept

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