

I am a student in high school in Tampa, Florida.  I have a TI-83 Plus
calculator.  I transferred some games from my friend's calculator to mine
and then I transferred them to another person.  When I was playing a game
(Baseball 99) on it and won the game it, the screen showed a bunch of boxes
and when I pressed Enter it showed ?????? + (?????? and then a little t
(like an exponent) and then an end parenthesis.  I then pressed mode to try
to get out of it and it showed the word DONE.  It froze and I couldn't do
anything.  After trying to get it back to the screen, I removed the
batteries and placed them back in.  After I did this, the screen showed the
same as before for about 5 seconds and then turned blank and it froze like
that.  I put new batteries in and it still does the same thing.  What do I
do?  Do I have to buy a new calculator?  If you cannot tell me how to fix
this problem, do you know of somebody I could talk to that does?  Please
respond to this as soon as possible.

   Thank you so much,

      Daniel Cinadr


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