Re: New member-needs assistance


Re: New member-needs assistance

>    To start, I thought I'd just download some games and study the source
>code. I downloaded, and transfered them to the calculator, and can't figure
>out how to run them! I opened the folder they were in, and then typed the
>program name in the input bar. Nothing really happened, except it said
>something about the type of the file (although it didn't say "error"
>anywhere). The file type is .89s. I'm probably making some obvious mistake,
>if anyone know it, please give me some feedback. I'd appreciate it.

.89s are string files, that is, a short bit of alphanumeric characters.
They are not programs.  Programs are .89p files.  Grouped files, .89g, may
also contain program files.

>Now how do you view the source code from internet games. I tried doing it
>in the text editor and it couldn't be done.

Read this:

>How can C/C++ be used in programming on the TI89?

>What exactly is a Shell?

>What exactly is an assembly file?

>How can .89s files be converted to appropriate files?

Depends on what you mean by "appropriate".

>Is there anything else general that I should know? (I basically know
>nothing about TI programming, I do have a basic knowledge of C++, though)

Read your manual and check out the rest of
That should do nicely.

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