Re: Invers matrix on Ti-85


Re: Invers matrix on Ti-85

>> So what's your question?  You seem to have answered it already.  Just
>> sure to use the negate (the one in parentheses) key NOT the minus sign.
>No, that doesn't work.  You need to use the "^-1" KEY.  You can't just type
>in the carat, and then the negative sign, and then 1; it won't work (at
>on my TI-86).  The "^-1" key is located on the same key as the E button
>2nd to get to it).

You CAN use the caret but if you read my post again, you'll see I told you
NOT to use the minus sign (subtraction operator).  You have to use the
negate "(-)" symbol to the left of the Enter key.

Tom Lake
ICQ #25589135
