Re: TI-92 beats Mathematica! (Sort of)


Re: TI-92 beats Mathematica! (Sort of)

Mathematic sucks! I dont see why so many colleges force calculus students
to learn it to solve problems. More can be accomplished, by just getting a
standard calculator for all the students to use such as a TI-82, 83, or
85 (possibly the TI-92, but not likely), or HP-48. This way students dont
have to learn a whole bunch of useless commands for mathematica to work,
that they cant even use on tests!

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Nester, Darryl wrote:

> In the process of solving a problem, Mathematica produced the expression
>    ArcTan[1/Sqrt[3 + 2 Sqrt[2]]]
> I wanted to see if this could be simplified, but Mathematica wouldn't give
> me anything different.  (Perhaps someone who knows a few more Mathematica
> tricks could get an answer.)  The TI-92, though, immediately responded with
>    Pi / 8.
> Additionally, I found that Mathematica wouldn't simplify Tan[Pi/8], while
> the TI-92 gives
>    Sqrt(2 - Sqrt(2)) / Sqrt(2 + Sqrt(2))
> (which can be rewritten as 1/Sqrt(3 + 2 Sqrt(2)).
> --
> Darryl K. Nester                E-mail:
> Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics        WWW:
> Bluffton College                 Phone: 419-358-3483
> Bluffton, OH  45817-1704           Fax: 419-358-3232
