Re: Bode and Nyquist diagram for TI 92


Re: Bode and Nyquist diagram for TI 92

Franco Sferlazza <sferlazza@TIN.IT> wrote:
: Are there programs for Bode, Nyquist ( and so on ) diagrams ?
: Please help me to find it !

On the TI85 I just used the definition of the Bode Plot.  Try something like:

j=(0,1)     /* Or make it a constant */
w= 10^x     /* To get log scale on x axis)*/
H=xfer func(w or s)

and plot abs H and/or angle H.  Actually you will likely want to plot
20log(H) to get it in dB.

The co-ordinates on the x axis (In the limits and co-ordinate displays)
will actually be log(w) so 1000 will show as 3, etc.

I used this throughout Control Systems I and it works fine (although
the 85 is a little slow at plotting these).

Shawn D'Alimonte -
-----Under university lab conditions, the laws of nature do not apply-----
