Re: Trig program for 86/ need help


Re: Trig program for 86/ need help

Everyone else has found one of the errors, but you have to fix all of them
or it does you no good.
Error 1: x and y1 use lowercase letters on the 86
Error 2: Because the 86 allows variable names of more than one letter, BX is
  a different variable.  You must use B*x instead.
Error 3: The 86 stores equations with name=equation not "equation"->name
  like the 82/83.  Someone else said the TI-89 works both ways.  That's true,
  but it hardly matters, does it?
Error 4: The line that stores the equation was accidentally split in the
  original.  As written, it wouldn't have worked on the TI-83 either.

>:Disp "Y=Asin(BX + C) + D"
>:Prompt A,B,C,D
>:"A*sin(BX + C) + D "
>DrawF Y1

>:Disp "Y=Asin(Bx + C) + D"
>:Prompt A,B,C,D
>:DrawF y1