Re: TI-92+ Adv. Math. Soft. v2.00 (not yet, though)


Re: TI-92+ Adv. Math. Soft. v2.00 (not yet, though)

This is also true for the 89. Also check this out:

Interactive Geometry Build geometric constructions interactively with points,
lines, polygons, circles, and other basic geometric objects. Capabilities are
similar to Cabri Geometry II  software. Included in the TI-92 Plus Advanced
Mathematics Software Version 1.00. Available fall 1999

Daniel Moraseski - in Orlando, FL - originally from Manalapan, NJ -
king of irrelevant info - now at dejanews cuz my newsserver has been
sucking lately - - FL and
NJ roads, and a list of most SPUIs

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