Calculating Relative Course and Speed and Intercept


Calculating Relative Course and Speed and Intercept

Here is a problem for which I can not find a solution on the 'net.
Seems it would be simple to find (at least the first part) given it's
usefulness, but it just isn't so.

I need to program my TI-82 to calculate the  course and speed of
another boat given a minimum of two bearings and ranges (over time).
This of course would be a relative course and speed based on
observations from my boat, which would also be in motion.

Then, I want to be able to set a course to intercept the other boat
based on the speed of my boat (and subject to change, based on sea
conditions or best intercept solution).

I'm sure there are programs already written for the calculator to do
this, and/or someone out there knows, or has access to, the trig
formulas required to solve these problems.

Any and all help you can lend would be appreciated!
