Re: More hardware probbz (ti-85)


Re: More hardware probbz (ti-85)

I think I have the same problem. I just built the serial link for my 83
today, but it doesn't work. when I plug it in my calculator slows down
sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't. Also when I try to transmit from the 83
I get an"Error in Xmit" Can anyone tell me what's wrong? any help would be
appreciated. maybe It is the link software. I am using W32Tran8x v2.0.
Please help if you can. Thanx.

Per-Olov Jernberg wrote in message
>i built a $4 serial link today, and it works as bad as my old parallel link
>... it MUST be something wrong in the calculator - it works perfect when
>link isn't connected to my computer, but when i connect it - the calculator
>slows down! why? i have tried different configurations in my bios and
>like that ... is there any simple way to let's say - connect a couple of
>LEDs to the texas port so i can see if data is transmitted?
>/Per-Olov Jernberg
