Re: another endless ques. about which to buy?!?!!......


Re: another endless ques. about which to buy?!?!!......

>I am a junior in college and I have a dilemma.  My teacher for an upper
>level finance class has recommended a HP 12c, because that is what he will
>be teaching with.  I still have Calculus I, Calculus II, upper level stats
>course, and many other upper level business and finance courses to take.  I
>am not sure that the 12c is the best choice to handle this variety of
>classes.  Although it will probably make this one class tougher, I am
>thinking about either the ti-83, 86, or 89(if I could find one) or the hp
>48g or 48gx.  I know that the 83 has built in finance functions and the 86
>you can d/l them from ti.  I am sure that the 89 will have the appropriate
>finance functions to d/l also..... but the 48's will make my life easier
>because that is what is being used.......   somebody help me please!!!!!

If your prof will be using an HP, get an HP.  The HP uses Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN, I'm NOT kidding!) which is totally different that the way the
TI works.  You'll have enough do to keep up in class without having to
translate from AOS to RPN  as you go.

Tom Lake
