Usgard Problem


Usgard Problem

I am writing a program for Usgard and I'm trying to work out a sprite routine.  This is what I have so far, and it consistently causes a crash.  Help, what am I doing wrong?
#include "usgard.h"
 .org 0
 .db "Adol",0
 ld a,4
 out (5),a
 ld hl,0
 ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
 ld hl,&Sprite
 push hl
 pop ix
 ld bc,$0000
 ld d,1
 call &PutSprite
 call GET_KEY
 cp K_EXIT
 jr nz,WaitKey
PutSprite:          ;; Put Sprite (hl) at Video Mem $FC00 + bc
 push hl            ;; save value of HL for ret command
 push ix            ;; Push value previously stored in IX to stack           
 pop hl             ;; And load it into HL for use
 ld a,(hl)          ;; Load the Value at address HL->A
 push hl            ;; Push HL onto stack
 push af            ;; Push AF onto stack
 ld hl,$FC00
 add hl,bc          ;; Add VM start to bc to get absolute
 pop af             ;; restore AF
 ld (hl),a          ;; load AF into VM address HL
 push hl            ;; Push HL onto stack
 pop bc             ;; Load Value into BC
 pop hl              ;; restore HL
 ld de,$0001
 add hl,de           ;; Get value for next byte
 push hl             ;; Preserve HL by pushing onto stack
 ld hl,$0010
 add hl,bc           ;; get address for new row
 push hl
 pop bc              ;; Place value of HL into BC
 pop hl               ;; Restore HL
 ld a,(hl)
 push hl             ;; push HL onto stack for preserve
 push bc
 pop hl              ;; place value of BC into HL
 ld (hl),a
 inc d               ;; increment d for looping
 ld a,$08
 cp d                ;; check d against a
 jr nz,NewRow   ;; if the result is not zero, loop
 pop hl              ;; return value of HL for return
 .db %11000011
 .db %10000001
 .db %10000001
 .db %00000000
 .db %00000000
 .db %10000001
 .db %10000001
 .db %11000011