PRIME5 bug


PRIME5 bug

I have, by testing my program PRIME5, discovered a bug in it. I'm glad to
annouce I have fixed it, and PRIME6 will be released sometime next week. (There
will be a companion PRIME6D, with perhaps a nicer interface for setting up
distributed calculations. And still, no linking required.) While I won't give
credit for someone else rediscovering this bug, you may wish to challenge
yourself by trying to rediscover it. Hint:
PRIME5 reports some composite numbers as prime.
Award yourself extra bonus points if you can find not just one example of a
number affected, but if you can generalize the bug to work for infinitely many
If you have further suggestions for PRIME6 (except the bugfix that I have
already implemented), please do not hesitate to E-mail me.

Happy Number Theory!